
Utterance means, among other things, “any speech sequence consisting of one or more words and preceded and followed by silence.”

The silence might last a millisecond or several years or even decades, which we know from experience is entirely possible, and does not necessarily hinder communication.

That certainly is evident on this blog which has existed since 2009 and it silences speak as much as its utterances.

If there is an overriding theme for Utterance it is:

life considered through faith

faith considered through the suffering and confusion of existence

confusion tempered and made holy through experience and by grace

an unwillingness to accept that a majority view is any view at all necessarily.

This all from a life spent as a child, husband father, grandfather, journalist, pastor, writer, advocate, Christian. Listener and watcher.




6 thoughts on “About

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    “Lov’n the Lord & Liv’n the Life…”

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