Vanity of the mind

Photo: Peter Hallett, Istanbul, 2023

It’s unlikely the world is going to think itself to a better place.

Yes, I know it’s tempting to join the thought-tsunami of 24/7 social propaganda, news opinion, (in)activism, fact stretching, gas lighting, virtue signalling, artificial reality, loud-mouthing, guilt-tripping, victim blaming, victim leveraging, language control and pseudo-intellectualism that passes for considered conversation in 2023.

Why wouldn’t you want to add your equally poorly considered inexpertise?

It’s enough to leave you wondering (with the deep existential angst of the overfed and the even deeper FOMO of the perennially entertained) – what on earth is going on?

And, maybe you are also asking, why doesn’t everyone agree with my hard-fought (won an argument with my ignorant flatmate) and well-researched (read two or three long tweets) position on every global situation?

Oh, of course, it’s because they are fascists and haters, or perhaps Pentecostals. But everyone else (in my tribal bubble which is tiny but feels like the whole world) who is reasonable and tolerant is with me.

But to help you with the enormous temptation to believe the world needs more 2023-level thinkers, there’s this:

‘… I say, and I testify in the Lord; ye are no more to walk, as also the other nations walk, in the vanity of their mind …

… as truth is in Jesus.’

Ephesians 4:17, 21 (Youngs Literal Translation)

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